Learning published on unrestricted giving at Peter Minet
It's great to share our commitment at Peter Minet Trust to awarding unrestricted funding in this publication with IVAR that you can download here. You can read from leaders of two of our inspiring funded partners, Felicia Boshorin at Spring Community Hub and Catriona Finlayson at Stepping Stones, and see what they have to say about the difference unrestricted funding makes to their work.
You can also hear about Peter Minet's journey to being an unrestricted funder from our Chair, Tracey Fletcher, and Director, Rachel Oglethorpe.
Trust us to know best what our community needs - Felicia Boshorin, CEO, Spring Community Hub
If you're going to be open to learning, it will mean rethinking some quite well-established approaches to funding - Tracey Fletcher, Chair, Peter Minet Trust